Friday, May 11, 2007

Just Contemplate...

Just Contemplate..., originally uploaded by ozoni11.

While I was out photographing newborn geese and other wonders of nature today, I thought a lot about the misery our government subjects others to. Normally I don't use flickr as a political pulpit. President Bush will not listen to the majority of the U.S. public, the world and even members of his own party. We need to support our troops while they are in Iraq--but we need to get them out soon. It seems like deja vu--stubborn Presidents kept us fighting in a civil war in Viet Nam and the end result was hundreds of thousands of deaths and we left. We are now in a cvil war in Iraq. We were lied to about weapons of mass destruction and every single day lives are lost. In the end we will leave. Why not now? Oil, greed, religion--what a mix. If my politics don't sit well with you, I'm sorry. Feel free to remove me as a contact...but just conemplate a peaceful world.

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